Bhilwara, Rajasthan

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verify-icon Approved By Bar Council of India
verify-icon Established Year 2018-04-11
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verify-icon Approved By Bar Council of India
verify-icon 2018-04-11

About ACLC, Bhilwara, Rajasthan

The Wi-Fi enabled campus is located near Mansarovar Lake in the heart of Textile City, Bhilwara with an exquisite and artistic infrastructure. ACLC is an innovative educational community with a belief of preparing students for global leadership in judiciary, academia, business and government. ACLC provides a scholarly ambience in which students learn, in and outside the class room, to become outstanding legal professionals and leaders who serve the profession and society. We are committed to the dual goals of access and excellence by creating a welcoming and vibrant educational community that is rich in diversity in all of its varied forms, and by offering students the fullest opportunity to participate and experience through flexible and innovative programs.

ACLC Courses & Fees

Courses Total tuition Fees Action

LLB [Bachelor of Law]

( 3 Years )


(for Full Course)


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3-K,20,Near Mansarovar Lake,Patel Nagar,Bhilwara,Rajasthan - 311001

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