DICEST Education Pvt Ltd

Jaipur, Rajasthan

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verify-icon Approved By Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited
verify-icon Established Year 2001-06-26
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verify-icon Approved By Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited
verify-icon 2001-06-26

About DICEST Education Pvt Ltd, Jaipur, Rajasthan

DICEST guides and promotes positive thinking, self-confidence and leadership amongst the student of the institute. DICEST provides ample opportunities to the faculty, staff and students of the institute for their professional development. DICEST, recognized among the top ten Computer training institute in Jaipur, has training module for beginners, intermediates, and experts.

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b-497, 60-feet Road, Mahesh Nagar, Jaipur,,Jaipur,Rajasthan - 302015

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