
TS PGECET 2023: Application Form Available, Dates of Exams


Telangana State Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test is shortened to TS PGECET. It is a standard qualifying test for all states.

Telangana State Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test is shortened to TS PGECET. It is a standard qualifying test for all states. The Telangana State Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test (TS PGECET) is an entrance exam given by Osmania University on behalf of the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) for admission to various postgraduate courses in engineering, technology, and pharmacy in the state of Telangana. This test is usually given every year in May, and people who want to take it can fill out an application on the official TS PGECET website. The test is usually given over two days and has questions with more than one right answer. The exam results are usually released a few weeks after the test. Those who do well on the exam can use their TS PGECET score to apply to Telangana's postgraduate engineering, technology, architecture, and pharmacy programs.


TS PGECET admit card 2023

Candidates can get their TS PGECET 2023 Admit Card by giving their Login information. The TS PGECET 2023 Admit Card is the most important thing you must bring to the test. Students need their TS PGECET 2023 Admit Card to enter the test room. Candidates must bring their TS PGECET 2023 Admit Card and a government-issued ID. The students must be in the exam room at least 60 minutes before the test starts.



TS PGECET 2023 Exam Centers

  1. The Osmania University in Hyderabad, which runs the test, has already chosen where the TS PGECET 2023 exams will be held. The places where the test is given are called "centers." Here are some important things to know about the centers:
  2. Hyderabad has five different areas: West Hyderabad, North Hyderabad, Central Hyderabad, East Hyderabad, and South-East Hyderabad.
  3. Once the choice is chosen, changing the test zone or center will not be possible.
  4. The Convener has the right to add or remove some of the test zones that have been told.
  5. The Convener has the right to send candidates to a different test zone than the one they chose.


TS PGECET 2023 Answer Key
After a few days have passed since the test, the answer key will be available. With their login information, candidates can download the TS PGECET answer sheet for 2023. It will have all the questions and how the prospects answered them on the test. Candidates can use it to guess how well they'll do on the test and where they'll place.

TS PGECET 2023 Result
The answer will be posted on the Internet. Those taking the test can get their TS PGECET rank card 2023 using their login information. The person in charge of the test won't send the answer by email or mail. After the results are announced, those who did well will be asked to participate in the admissions process.
